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There's so much to see on Ko Sichang that we're still discovering new attractions after twenty years of visits and five years of living here.

There's hardly a corner of the island where you won't find something worth looking at. Below we list the most popular targets, plus a couple that are often overlooked, but shouldn't be. Samlors will take you to most of these on the standard tour of the island. Make sure to allow plenty of time--just tell the driver how long you want to wait, and it's her/his call whether to wait, or go off and come back...

Rama V Palace
Chinese Temple
Wat Tham Yai Prik meditation center
Yellow Buddha
Old Town
Buddha's Footprint
Dracula's Castle

Kayaking at Tham Phang

Just north of Wat Tham Yaai Prik, uphill behind the bank, prominently visible if you come in on a daytime ferry, is the Tham Chakrabongse meditation center with its three colossal Buddha images. There you will also find a cave of modest interest through which you can make your way back down to the road. A moderately strenuous walk uphill over the saddle behind the images will bring you to a secluded little valley facing the sea.